对毛木耳油疤病病原菌新种毛木耳柱霉(Scytalidium auricola W.H.Peng)的生物学特性研究结果显示,在5℃~35℃范围内,随着温度升高,菌丝生长速度逐渐加快,最适温度范围为25℃~30℃;在pH 4~12范围内,随着pH升高菌丝生长速度逐渐降低,菌株具有嗜酸的特性,在pH 4~5时生长速度最快;毛木耳柱霉对碳源、氮源的利用能力较强,可广泛利用各类单糖、双糖和多糖,以及多种铵态氮和氨基酸;光照对菌丝生长和孢子形成具有促进作用.适当降低菌袋培养温度和遮光培养有利于降低病害发生.
The biological characteristics of Scytalidium auricola WHPeng, a new pathogen of oily scab pathogen, showed that in the range of 5 ℃ ~ 35 ℃, the mycelial growth rate gradually increased with the increase of temperature The suitable temperature range is 25 ℃ ~ 30 ℃. Under the pH range of 4 ~ 12, the mycelial growth rate gradually decreases with the increase of pH. The strain has the characteristics of acidophilicity and the fastest growth rate at pH 4 ~ 5. The ability of Penicillium to utilize carbon source and nitrogen source is very strong, which can make use of all kinds of monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides, as well as a variety of ammonium nitrogen and amino acids. Illumination can promote mycelial growth and sporulation. Bagging culture temperature and shading culture is conducive to reduce the occurrence of diseases.