又一个愚人节到了,每年4月1日愚人 节,总有些童心未泯的人大开玩笑,而名 人往往成为他们的目标。 尼克松复出 1992年的愚人节,美国公众广播电 台报道说,因“水门事件”而下台的前总 统尼克松已经宣布复出,角逐总统宝座。 节目中还播出了一段“尼克松”的演讲,宣 布他的复出,并称“从来没有做错过任何 事”。节目播出后,观众反响强烈,纷纷打电话 到电台抗议,主持人才道出事实真相:其实尼克 松的讲话只是喜剧演员的表演。
Another April Fool’s Day is coming. Every April Fool’s Day on April 1, there are always joke about innocence, and celebrities often become their targets. Nixon returned from April Fool’s Day in 1992, and U.S. public broadcaster reported that former President Richard Nixon, who stepped down because of the “Watergate Incident,” has announced his return to the throne. The program also broadcast a “Nixon” speech announcing his return and saying “never did anything wrong.” After the program broadcast, the audience reacted strongly, have called the radio protest, the host tells the truth: in fact, Nixon’s speech is only a comedian’s performance.