现代栽培的所有园艺风信子都是由原种风信子(Hyacinth orientalis)培育驯化而来,其遗传基础相对较窄,但经过几个世纪栽培选育,已经发生很大变化。为研究风信子品种之间的遗传关系,本研究利用12条引物对29个风信子品种进行ISSR分子标记研究,扩增获得109条谱带,多态性条带有103条,占条带总数的94.5%,表明风信子具有较高的遗传多样性。29个风信子品种的遗传距离范围为0.018 5~0.820 1,平均遗传距离为0.449 8。其中‘Atlantic’与‘Gipsy Queen’遗传距离最大为0.820 1,亲缘关系最远;‘Blue star’与‘Delf Blue’遗传距离最小,两品种之间相似度较大,亲缘关系最近。使用软件NTSYS-pc(2.10e版)获得UPGMA聚类树形图,以相似系数0.635为阈值,29个风信子品种可聚为两大类。聚类分析发现相同色系的品种几乎聚为一类,说明同色系风信子品种亲缘关系较近。因此,在杂交育种时可选择不同花色的品种作亲本,进行新品种的选育。
All modern horticultural hyacinths are cultivated and domestically cultivated from the genus Hyacinth orientalis. Their genetic basis is relatively narrow, but after centuries of cultivation and breeding, great changes have taken place. In order to study the genetic relationship among hyacinth cultivars, 12 ISSR markers were used to study 29 hyacinth cultivars. 109 bands were amplified and 103 polymorphic bands were detected, accounting for the total number of bands 94.5%, indicating that hyacinth has high genetic diversity. The genetic distance of 29 hyacinth cultivars ranged from 0.018 5 to 0.820 1 with an average genetic distance of 0.449 8. Among them, the genetic distance between ’Atlantic’ and ’Gipsy Queen’ was 0.820 1, and the genetic relationship was the most distant. The genetic distance between ’Blue star’ and ’Delf Blue’ was the smallest, and the similarity between the two varieties was the highest. The UPGMA cluster tree was obtained using the software NTSYS-pc (version 2.10e). With a similarity coefficient of 0.635 as the threshold, 29 hyacinth varieties could be clustered into two broad categories. Cluster analysis found that the same color varieties almost clustered, indicating that the same color hyacinth varieties closer genetic relationship. Therefore, in the cross breeding can choose different suit varieties as parents, new breed breeding.