简单航海问题是解直角三角形中难度较大的应用题。学习这类问题有助于提高学生解决实际问题的能力。解这类问题一要建立方向坐标,明确船的航向;二要正确理解题意,看懂示意图或根据题意画出示意图,尽力找出要求解的直角三角形或添加必要的辅助线构成适合的直角三角形,此类题一般有三种类型。 1.依据航向与参照物所在直线的垂直关
The simple navigation problem is to solve the difficult application problem of the right triangle. Learning such questions helps improve students’ ability to solve practical problems. To solve this kind of problem, we must establish the directional coordinates and clarify the course of the ship. Second, we must correctly understand the meaning of the problem, read the schematic diagram or draw the schematic diagram according to the problem, try to find the right triangle that requires solution or add the necessary auxiliary lines to make it suitable. Right triangles, there are generally three types of such questions. 1. According to the vertical direction of the straight line of the heading and the reference