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随着我国城市建设进程的不断加快及我国建筑行业的飞速发展,人民群众对于现代房屋建筑质量要求也在不断提升,而地基作为整个建筑工程的基础性构建,直接关系到现代房屋建筑的工程质量和安全性能,现代房屋建筑地基将负载传递到地基的下部结构,同时对房屋建筑起到支撑作用,地基的质量是保证房屋建筑稳定性的必要条件。因此本文针对现代房屋建筑地基基础工程施工技术进行相应分析,思考其提升改善路径,从而在以后的工程建设过程中能够有效避免部分影响因素。 With the accelerating process of urban construction in our country and the rapid development of construction industry in our country, people’s requirements for the quality of modern house construction are also constantly improving. As the foundation construction of the entire construction project, the foundation is directly related to the quality of modern housing construction And safety performance, the foundation of modern house construction transmits the load to the substructure of foundation while supporting the building construction. The quality of foundation is the necessary condition to ensure the stability of house construction. Therefore, this paper analyzes the construction technology of the foundations of modern house construction, and considers the ways of improving and improving, so as to effectively avoid some of the influencing factors in the future construction of the project.