锦屏水电站包括锦屏一级、二级水电站,锦屏一级水电站位于四川省凉山州盐源县与木里县交界处,混凝土双曲拱坝坝高305m,为世界同类坝型中第一高坝。它的发电能力为3600MW,年发电量160亿~180亿kW.h。该工程在施工中采用了阿特拉斯.科普柯公司的25台Boomer 353E型凿岩台车,1台Boomer XL3D型凿岩台车和7台ROC D7型钻机,并获得了良好的经济效益。锦屏二级水电站利用雅砻江150km锦屏大河湾
Jinping Hydropower Station, including Jinping level, two hydropower stations, Jinping a hydropower station is located in Sichuan Province Liangshan Prefecture Yanyuan County and Muli County junction, the concrete double curvature arch dam 305m, the world’s first of its kind in dam High dam. It has a generating capacity of 3600 MW and an annual generating capacity of 16 billion to 18 billion kW.h. The project used Atlas Copco’s 25 Boomer Model 353E rock drilling rigs, a Boomer XL3D rock drilling rig and 7 ROC D7 drilling rigs and achieved good economic benefits . Jinping II hydropower station using the Yalong River 150km Jinping River Bay