13.5 nm Schwarzschild microscope with high magnification and high resolution

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cklingdian
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A Schwarzschild microscope with a numerical aperture of 0.2 and a magnification of 130 in a 100μm field of view(FOV)is designed and is working at 13.5 nm.Meanwhile,a CCD is used as a detector with a pixel size of 13μm×13μm and imaging area of 13 mm×13 mm.The imaging quality with tolerances of system and errors of mirrors are considered.We obtain that the best on-axes object resolution can be up to about 200 nm,the average value is 230 nm,and the resolution is about 360 nm at 80μm FOV. A Schwarzschild microscope with a numerical aperture of 0.2 and a magnification of 130 in a 100 μm field of view (FOV) is designed and is working at 13.5 nm. However, a CCD is used as a detector with a pixel size of 13 μm × 13 μm and imaging area of ​​13 mm × 13 mm. The imaging quality with tolerances of system and errors of mirrors are considered. We obtain that the best on-axes object resolution can be up to about 200 nm, the average value is 230 nm, and the resolution is about 360 nm at 80 μm FOV.
扫雪的温暖  二十多年前,我在小学,十八岁,第一次自信满满地站上讲台,还没有来得及享受讲台之上的得意、优越的感觉,那些稚气未脱的孩子们就给我上了刻骨铭心的第一课。  那是一个下过冬雪的早晨,天格外冷,雪格外厚,从宿舍到学校,路程不远,但是走路很费劲。来到学校,按惯例我以最快的速度安排好学生扫雪,打扫卫生。然后我就来到办公室,和两天没见面的同事们谈天说地。上课了,眼见同事们都走了,我班的孩子还没有干
【摘要】情感是人们对客观事物是否适合个人需要和社会需求而产生的态度体验,是人类文明的凝聚、内化与升华,是衡量个体与社会文明的重要尺度。情感教育应是教学的根本。  【关键词】新课标 初中语文 教学 情感教育  在义务教育阶段语文课程标准中明确提出,“在语文教学中,培养学生的爱国主义感情、社会主义道德品质,逐步形成积极的人生态度和价值观,提高文化品位和审美情趣”“培养热爱祖国语言文字的情感”“具有阅读