为了掌握我县高中生肺结核流行情况,我所于1997-09对我县高中生进行了普查,现将结果分析如下。1 资料明水县共有2所高级中学,均设在明水镇内,生源为明水镇(走读)和辖区农村(住校)大致各半,入学1年的高二共10个班683人,其中男生382人,女性301人,入学2年的高三共6个班444人,其中
In order to grasp the county high school students tuberculosis epidemic situation, I conducted in 1997-09 to my county high school students census, the results are as follows. 1 Information There are 2 senior high schools in Mingshui County, all of which are located in Mingshui Town. There are 683 students in 10 classes of Grade 2 in Jinming Township, Among them, 382 were male and 301 were female, with 444 students in 6 classes in 2 years of enrollment, of which,