
来源 :公安学刊(浙江警察学院学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ldwwsnake
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近年来,浙江省依法推进社会治理取得明显的成效,社会治理体制与经济社会发展阶段性特征基本适应。但是,也应清醒地认识到,社会建设总体滞后于经济建设,依法推进社会治理面临许多问题和不足,社会治理科学化、法治化水平亟待提高。推进浙江省社会治理法治化,要培育公民树立法治信仰,形成全社会自觉学法尊法守法用法的浓厚氛围;规范完善基层综合服务管理平台,推动社会治理实践经验上升为规章制度;着眼影响社会和谐稳定的突出问题,以法治方式破解社会治理难题;建立完善社会组织培育扶持和监管机制,引导社会组织依法参与社会治理;探索健全法治、德治、自治相结合机制,构建城乡基层社区治理新模式。 In recent years, Zhejiang Province has made remarkable achievements in promoting social governance in accordance with the law, and the social governance system and the phased characteristics of economic and social development have basically taken shape. However, we should clearly recognize that social construction lags behind economic construction in general and that many problems and deficiencies in promoting social governance in accordance with the law are faced with the problems of scientifically governing the society and raising the level of legalization urgently. Promote the rule of law in social governance in Zhejiang Province, to cultivate citizens believe in the rule of law, the formation of the whole society consciously learn law respect the law-abiding use of a strong atmosphere; standardize the grassroots comprehensive service management platform to promote social governance practical experience up to the rules and regulations; focus on affecting social harmony Stable and prominent problems, and solve the social governance problems by the rule of law; establish and perfect social organizations to foster support and supervision mechanisms and guide social organizations to participate in social governance in accordance with the law; explore and improve the combination of the rule of law, the rule of virtue and the rule of autonomy and build a new mode of governance of urban and rural grass-roots communities .
【正】 有些同志认为农村中没有电影、汽水,文娱体育活动设备很差,加上农民思想狭隘保守,因此就感觉生活平淡、苦闷,工作不起劲。是真的农村生活平淡吗?我以为不然。生活平淡
【正】 人民銀行四川省簡陽支行及各营业所,在黨政統一领导下積極组织资金回笼,保证大力支持收購的現金供应工作截至目前为止,基本上做到了“供應无缺”,並解决了单位发生的