1937年12月13日,日军侵占南京城,在6个星期中,屠杀了无辜市民和放下武器的中国士兵30万人以上。无数妇女遭凌辱,无数住宅、商店、机关、仓库被抢劫、焚烧和破坏,全市约三分之一的建筑和财产化为灰烬。这起惨绝人寰、震惊中外的历史事件就是南京大屠杀。完全是一种有预谋的行动 为达到“速战速决”的目的,日本军国主义很早就企图采取恐怖手段,迫使中国屈服。1937年9月5日,近卫内阁的外务大臣广田弘毅在议会发表的演说中就宣称:“我国为了使这种国家反省它的错误,而决心予以决定性的打击”,“日本
On December 13, 1937, the Japanese army invaded and occupied Nanjing. In 6 weeks, more than 300,000 Chinese soldiers slaughtered innocent civilians and laid down their arms. Millions of women were abused and countless houses, shops, agencies and warehouses were looted, burned and destroyed, and about one-third of the city’s buildings and property were reduced to ashes. This is a tragedy, shocking Chinese and foreign historical events is the Nanjing massacre. To be completely premeditated In order to achieve the goal of “quick quick fix”, the Japanese militarists have long sought to take terror and force China to surrender. On September 5, 1937, Hirota Hirota, Foreign Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers, declared in a speech delivered by the parliament that “China is determined to make a decisive blow to making such a country reflect its mistakes.” Japan