Male patient, 52 years old. Oral painful ulcer 2 months, systemic edematous erythema, plaque with pain and itching for 1 week. Dermatology: face, trunk and limbs scattered distribution of infiltrative edematous erythema and plaque, clearance, partial fusion, was ring-like or round, part of the surface can be seen Muddy papules, blisters, some rash ulceration and Scabs. The nose, tongue and tongue can be seen a number of shallow ulcers, the basement flushing, overlying thick yellow-white pseudomembranous samples. Symptoms treatment by Sweet syndrome after admission, no improvement of skin lesions, continue to have new hair lesions, increased fever. Scraping patients with tongue ulcer pseudomembranous secretions microscopy found fungal mycelium, culture identified as Candida albicans. Flow cytometry analysis of peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets Th / Ts (CD4 ~ + / CD8 ~ +) was 0.00, HIV antibody screening tests and confirmatory tests were positive. Revised diagnosis: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.