周恩来总理离开我们已经22年了。作为一位政治家,他叱咤风云,为了国家的昌盛,为了民族的兴旺,“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”。他胸前佩戴的“为人民服务”的徽章便是自己一生的忠实写照。 作为一个常人,他的作风、他的人品、他的情操,吸引折服了几代人。这也是众人至今深切怀念他的重要原因。他和邓大姐的夫妻之情,更显现出人间的高尚情感。 在周恩采同志诞辰100周年的时刻,我们发表两篇文章,以表达我们的怀念。
Premier Zhou Enlai has been away from us for 22 years. As a politician, he is all-powerful, for the country’s prosperity, for the prosperity of the nation, “spared no efforts, died and then.” The badge of “serving the people” worn on his chest is a faithful portrayal of his life. As an ordinary person, his style, his character, his sentiments, attracted a few generations of suits. This is why all people deeply miss him so much. He and Deng Sister’s feelings of the couple, but also showed the noble human feelings. At the time of the 100th anniversary of Comrade Zhou Enping’s birth, we publish two articles expressing our memory.