盘县位于贵州西部,东经104°17′46″~104°57′46″,北纬25°19′36″~26°17′31″。地处云南高原向黔中高原过渡的斜坡部位和南、北盘江支流的分水岭地带,地势高,起伏大,坡度陡,总的地势趋势是西北高,东南低,中南部降起。北部和西部一般海拔1900~2400 m,局部山脉在2700 m以上。地貌类型从高原山地为主,其中山地面积占总土地面积的82.40%,山地丘陵占全县面积的9.22%,坝地占34.00%,山原面积占5.95%,原于亚热带春干夏湿温和气候区,年均日常数为1593.8 h,太阳总辐射境内多数地区在41.87~46.1万焦/平方厘米年。年均温14℃,历年最小相对温度在12月-5月期间。平均年降水量为1390.8 mm。土壤以黄壤为主,有机质含量中等,但速效养分含量低。该山区气候条件特别适宜种植马铃薯。
Panxian County is located in the west of Guizhou Province with longitude 104 ° 17’46 “~ 104 ° 57’46” east longitude and latitude 25 ° 19’36 “~ 26 ° 17’31” north latitude. Located in the Yunnan Plateau to the transition to the central Guizhou Plateau slope parts and the South and North Pan River tributaries of the watershed, high terrain, ups and downs, steep slope, the overall topography trend is high in the northwest, southeast low, central and southern fall. The northern and western general 1900 ~ 2400 m above sea level, local mountains in more than 2700 m. The types of landform are mainly from plateau and mountain, in which the mountainous area accounts for 82.40% of the total land area, the mountainous hills occupy 9.22% of the county area, the dam area accounts for 34.00% and the mountainous area accounts for 5.95% District, with an average annual daily average of 1593.8 h, most of the region within the solar radiation in the 41.87 ~ 46.1 million coke / cm years. The average annual temperature of 14 ℃, calendar year minimum relative temperature in December-May period. The average annual rainfall is 1390.8 mm. Yellow soil-based soil, medium organic matter content, but quick-acting nutrient content is low. The mountainous climatic conditions are particularly suitable for growing potatoes.