Expression of human hepatic lipase negatively impacts apolipoprotein A-Ⅰ production in primary hepat

来源 :The Journal of Biomedical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lengxiang520
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This study aimed to examine whether expression of human hepatic lipase(hHL) exerted an intracellular effect on hepatic production of apolipoprotein(apo) A-I.The levels of secreted and cell-associated apoA-I were contrasted between primary hepatocytes isolated from Lipc-nuW and C57BL/6 mice,and between Lipc-nuW hepatocytes transfected with either hHL-encoding or control adenovirus.An HSPG-binding deficient hHL protein(hHLmt) was used to determine the impact of cell surface binding on HL action.Accumulation of apoA-I in conditioned media of primary hepatocytes isolated from Lipc-nuW mice was increased as compared to that from C57BL/6 mice.Metabolic labeling experiments showed that secretion of ’’S-apoA-I from Lipc-nuW cells was significantly higher than that from C57BL/6 cells.Expression of hHL in Lipc-nuW hepatocytes,through adenovirus-mediated gene transfer,resulted in decreased synthesis and secretion of ’S-apoA-I,but not S-apoE,as compared with cells transfected with control adenovirus.Expression of HSPG-binding deficient hHLmt in Lipc-nuW cells also exerted an inhibitory effect on apoA-I production,even though hHLmt displayed impaired exit from the endoplasmic reticulum as compared with hHL.Subcellular fractionation revealed that expression of hHL or hHLmt led to increased microsome-association of apoA-I relative to non-transfected control.Expression of hHL negatively impacts hepatic production of apoA-I. This study aimed to examine whether expression of human hepatic lipase (hHL) exerted an intracellular effect on hepatic production of apolipoprotein (apo) AI. These levels of secreted and cell-associated apoA-I were contrasted between primary hepatocytes isolated from Lipc-nuW and C57BL / 6 mice, and between Lipc-nuW hepatocytes transfected with either hHL-encoding or control adenovirus. An HSPG-binding deficient hHL protein (hHLmt) was used to determine the impact of cell surface binding on HL action. in conditioned media of primary hepatocytes isolated from Lipc-nuW mice was increased as compared to that from C57BL / 6 mice. Metabolic labeling experiments showed that secretion of ’S-apoA-I from Lipc-nuW cells was significantly higher than that from C57BL / 6 cells. Expression of hHL in Lipc-nuW hepatocytes, through adenovirus-mediated gene transfer, resulted in decreased synthesis and secretion of ’S-apoA-I, but not S-apoE, as compared with cells transfected with control adenovir us. Expression of HSPG-binding deficient hHLmt in Lipc-nuW cells also exerted an inhibitory effect on apoA-I production, even though hHLmt displayed impaired exit from the endoplasmic reticulum as compared with hHL. Subcellular fractionation revealed that that hlL or hHLmt led to increased microsome-association of apoA-I relative to non-transfected control. Expression of hHL negatively productive hepatic production of apoA-I.
<正> 由世界汉语教学学会、中国对外汉语教学学会和北京语言文化大学联合举办的第五届国际汉语教学讨论会,于1996年8月8日至12日在北京召开。国家对外汉语教学领导小组组长、国家教委主任朱开轩,国家对外汉语教学领导小组副组长、国家教委副主任韦珏,国家语委主任许嘉璐,国家汉办主任、中国对外汉语教学学会会长、北京语言文化大学校长杨庆华,世界
<正> 第二届国际古汉语语法研讨会于1996年8月19日至22日在北京大学举行。本届研讨会是第一届国际先秦汉语语法研讨会的继续,由北京大学中文系主办。有来自德国、法国、韩国、加拿大、捷克、美国、挪威、日本、以及中国海峡两岸和香港等十一个国家和地区的80多位学者参加。8月19日上午,会议举行开幕式。开幕式由北京大学郭锡良教授主持,北京大学副校长郝斌致欢迎辞。国家语委主任许嘉璐教授,北京大学中文系主任费振刚教授,语文出版社副社长高文元也在开幕式上发表了讲话。出席开幕式的还有北京大学社科处、全国高