Design of thiol-containing amino acids for native chemical ligation at non-Cys sites

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fist001
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Protein chemical synthesis usually relies on the use of native chemical ligation that couples peptide thioester with a Cys-peptide.A limitation of this method is the difficulty of finding an appropriate Cys ligation site in many synthetic targets.To overcome this problem,the ligation-desulfurization approach has been developed.This approach involves the use of a thiol-containing amino acid as the ligation partner.After the sequence assembly is completed,the thiol group is removed through a desulfurization reaction to generate the standard amino acids.Currently this strategy has been applied to the ligations at a number of amino acids including Ala,Phe,Val,Lys,Thr,Leu,Pro and Gln.The present article reviews the design and synthesis of these thiol-containing amino acids for native chemical ligation at non-Cys sites. Protein chemical synthesis usually relies on the use of native chemical ligation that couples peptide thioester with a Cys-peptide. A limitation of this method is the difficulty of finding an appropriate Cys Ligation site in many synthetic targets. To overcome this problem, the ligation- this approach involves the use of a thiol-containing amino acid as the ligation partner. After the sequence assembly is completed, the thiol group is removed through a desulfurization reaction to generate the standard amino acids. Currently this strategy has has applied to the ligations at a number of amino acids including Ala, Phe, Val, Lys, Thr, Leu, Pro and Gln. The present article reviews the design and synthesis of these thiol-containing amino acids for native chemical ligation at non- Cys sites.
采用符合关联实验技术进行的Arq+ + Ne (q = 8, 9, 11, 12)碰撞体系中多电子转移过程的研究. 在实验上鉴别了反应中各种电子转移过程, 并测量了转移电离截面. 研究了转移电离
以前的研究表明,高等植物叶绿体谷氨酰胺合成酶( GS2)受光调节,但叶片胞液GS(GS1)和非光合作用组织中的GS很少受光的影响。在本报道中, 笔者运用GS活性染色和Western blottin
一、对外合作背景  安徽少年儿童出版社(以下简称“安少社”)是中国少儿出版的生力军,自1984年成立以来,一直秉承“心存孩子,面向未来”的出版理念,出版了一大批社会效益和经济效益俱佳的“双效”图书,先后有2000多种图书在各类评奖中获奖,在卡通动漫、儿童文学、低幼启蒙等图书领域形成了自己独特的优势和出版品牌。  经过30年的发展和积淀,安少社已成长为一家国际化、专业化、品牌化的童书出版商和运营商,
随着国学的日渐兴盛,中国传统文化书法也迎来了极大的发展。由于艺术类的日臻完善,再加上美术高考的压力不断增大,书法专业便逐渐发展并兴盛起来。各院校书法专业的招生规模逐年扩大,学习书法从而进入理想高校继续深造成为一大趋势。  一、我国艺术书法教育现状  从中国书法院成立以来,各大专科院校的书法专业便有序开设起来,书法专业如星星之火在全国发展起来。各大高校本科也相继增开了书法专业,并且不断扩大招生名额,
摘 要:本文针对目前我国小学生文化意识与交际能力的实际情况,结合新兴的英语绘本阅读教学模式,以理论与实践相结合的方式来研究英语绘本阅读教学对小学生文化意识培养的有效实施策略与方法,旨在给正在开展或即将开展英语绘本教学的教师们一些启发和借鉴。在培养学生的学科知识的同时注重文化背景知识的教授,以促进学生跨交际能力的水平提高。  关键词:阅读素养;绘本教学;文化意识  一、研究背景  对于中小学生而言,