本文分两部分全面系统地描述和分析了德国当代著名社会批判理论家哈贝马斯的规范语用学思想。规范语用学在哈贝马斯整个社会批判理论中具有核心的地位 ,在对其进行建构中 ,哈贝马斯批判和继承了包括马克思、康德、霍克海默尔、马尔库塞、米德、阿佩尔、奥斯汀、乔姆斯基和达米特在内的许多哲学家的思想 ,并与他们进行了思想的直接对话 ,因此 ,具体地揭示他们与哈贝马斯思想之间的内在关联 ,展示规范语用学的形成路径 ,对于整体把握哈贝马斯社会思想的本质 ,理清当代德国哲学的发展方向 ,进而洞察 2 0世纪哲学方法论的演变特征 ,具有重要的认识论价值和方法论意义。本部分 (上 )从两个方面探讨了规范语用学理论 :(1)交流理性的重建构成了规范语用学形成的内在动因 ,促使哈贝马斯从意识哲学转向到语言的分析哲学 ;(2 )通过对传统语义分析途径的考察 ,哈贝马斯最终将现代语用学中发展了的言语行为理论作为规范语用学的理论出发点。
This thesis consists of two parts, which comprehensively and systematically describe and analyze the normative pragmatic thought of Habermas, a well-known social critic in contemporary Germany. Normative pragmatics plays a central role in Habermas’s theory of social critique. In constructing Habermas, Habermas criticizes and inherits Marxism, Kant, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Mead , The philosophies of many philosophers such as Apel, Austin, Chomsky, and Dammit, and held direct dialogues with them, thus revealing in concrete terms their internal relations with Habermas’s thought Relevant and demonstrating the forming path of normative pragmatics has an important epistemological value and methodology for grasping the essence of Habermas’s social thought, clarifying the development direction of contemporary German philosophy and furthering the evolvement of philosophy methodology in the 20th century significance. This part explores the pragmatic theory from two aspects: (1) The reconstruction of communicative rationality constitutes the intrinsic motivation for the formation of normative pragmatics, which leads Habermas to move from the philosophy of consciousness to the analytic philosophy of language; (2) Through the investigation of the traditional approaches to semantic analysis, Habermas eventually takes the theory of speech acts developed in modern pragmatics as the theoretical starting point for regulating pragmatics.