Historically, Eastern European countries have been the pioneers of reform in the socialist camp. However, they failed to achieve the desired result in the end because of various reasons. The reform eventually led to radicalization and led to the polarization of the socialist camp. In the early stages of the transition, the Eastern European countries generally experienced the great setbacks of political turmoil and economic recession, and some countries even waged war and division. After experiencing the first five years or so of pain, the vitality of the countries in Eastern Europe gradually recovered. Some countries have already or are moving into “clubs” in high-income countries. However, the huge gap between the planned economy and the market economy can not be leapfrogged, and the transition of Eastern European countries is still going through a long period of transition. From the overall perspective of “state governance”, this will help to grasp more clearly the progress made in the real transformation of Eastern European countries and provide a reference for China’s transformation and development.