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现将《国务院批转国家计委等部门关于出口还贷和专项出口收汇上缴中央外汇问题请示的通知》(国发[1991]49号)转发给你们,并提出以下要求,请一并贯彻执行。一、各地、各部门要按隶属关系,对一九九○年底以前按国家有关政策规定,批准用出口收汇全额先还贷后分成的项目进行清理,并于三月十日前将清理结果上报省计委,同时抄送省经贸委、外汇局。经省计委会同省经贸委、外汇局审查后,由省计委上报国家计委核准。二、对使用国内金融机构外汇贷款进口原料加工复出口的项目,由各金融机构按国务院通知精神自行清理,并将清理结果对口上报国家总行,同时抄送省计委、经贸委、外汇局。 We hereby forward to you the “Circular of the State Council on Forwarding the Circular of the State Planning Commission and Other Departments on Export Rebates and Special Export Receipt to Central Foreign Exchange Issue” (Guo Fa [1991] No. 49) and put forward the following requirements carried out. 1. All localities and departments should, according to their subordinate relations, approve the liquidation of projects that were fully repayable after the repayment of export proceeds by the end of 1990 in accordance with the relevant state policies and regulations and clean up the results before March 10 Report Provincial Planning Commission, while copied to the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, the Foreign Exchange Bureau. After the Provincial Planning Commission with the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, the SAFE review, by the Provincial Planning Commission submitted to the State Planning Commission for approval. 2. Projects that use the foreign exchange loans of domestic financial institutions to process the re-exports of imported raw materials should be cleared by the financial institutions in accordance with the notice of the State Council and the results should be reported to the head office of the counterparties and copied to the provincial planning commission, the economic and trade commission and the foreign exchange bureau.
谷象 Sitophilus granaria(L.)是对内检疫重要仓虫之一,幼虫蛀食小麦、大麦、燕麦、大米、稻谷、玉米及高粱,使粮粒破碎,造成严重损耗并影响种籽发芽。据粮食部和中国科学院
茶梢蛾(Parametriotes theae Kusne-tzov)属鳞翅目尖翅蛾科(Cosmopterygidae)害虫,为害油茶、茶树叶子和技梢。幼龄幼虫潜食叶肉,形成半透明淡黄色的虫斑,直径约3-5mm。长大
杨树吉丁虫属鞘翅目(COLEOPTERA),多食亚目(IOLYPHAGA),叩甲总科(E Iateroidea)吉丁虫科(Buprestidae)吉丁亚科(Buprestinae),杨树吉丁虫(Poeci Ionota uario Iosa(Payk),也
目前各出版单位已经陆续开始使用13位的 ISBN 书号出版图书,而 CIP 中心应对 ISBN 升位的数据申报软件“出版社书源管理系统”进行的升级改造尚未完成,为不影响 CIP 数据的