金樱子(Rosa laevigata)是蔷薇科、蔷薇属 的常绿攀援灌木,在我国分布极广,华东、华南、 华中、西南诸省区均有。在安徽省,金樱子主要 分布于皖南山区和大别山区,尤以海拔500米 以下的低山丘陵的山崖石隙及阳坡灌丛中多 见。植株结果数量多、产量高,据初步样方调查 及产地近年的收购(药用)记录估计,仅皖西的 金寨、霍山、舒城及六安等县市,年产量可达 600—800吨。
Rosa laevigata is an evergreen climbing shrub belonging to the family Rosaceae and rose. It is widely distributed in China and is distributed in all provinces of East China, South China, Central China and Southwest China. In Anhui Province, Rosa laevigata is mainly distributed in the mountainous areas of South Anhui and Dabie Mountain, especially in the mountainous shrubs and crevasses in the hilly areas below 500 meters above sea level. According to the preliminary sample survey and the acquisition (medicinal) record of origin in recent years, only the counties and cities such as Jinzhai, Huoshan, Shucheng and Lu’an in Wanxi have an annual output of 600-800 Ton.