近来,不少读者反映,有人冒用我刊名义在互联网上进行约稿、组稿,从中牟利,已有作者上当受骗。对此,我刊郑重申明:迄今为止我刊从未在互联网上发布约稿、组稿等信息,互联网上出现的所有关于我刊的所谓网址、邮箱,以及所有关于我刊公开约稿、组稿等信息均属伪造,请勿上当受骗。如邮箱:[email protected]便属于骗子所设,骗子要求作者将版面
Recently, many readers have reported that some people have used the name of our journal to conduct manuscripts and manuscripts on the Internet. In the past, the author has been deceived. In this regard, China’s journal Zheng reiterated that China’s journal has never published any manuscripts, manuscripts, and other information on the Internet. All the so-called websites and emails on the Internet that appear on the Internet, and all of our publicly-requested articles, manuscripts, etc. The information is forged, do not be deceived. Such as e-mail: [email protected] is a liar set, the scammers asked the author to layout