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随着社会经济的发展,气象预报的市场价值越来越突出。中国气象局《气象预报发布与刊播管理办法》规定,气象预报属于气象科技成果,制作和发布单位对其享有所有权,并受有关法律、法规保护。但是,目前我国法律对于气象预报是否具有知识产权的法律属性并没有任何规定,气象预报的权利归属问题一直存在争议。在分析气象预报的性质的基础上,认为气象预报是一种公共信息,应当及时、广泛、深入、无偿地传播给大众。气象预报不属于包括气象部门在内的任何部门或个人私有,不具有知识产权和其他私权属性。为了保证气象预报的准确和安全,国家赋予了气象部门垄断发布气象预报的权利,但是没有赋予其垄断传播气象预报的权利。在气象预报的传播环节,无需气象部门的许可或者同意,任何客观且适当的传播行为均不构成对于气象部门的侵权,不应当受到气象部门的限制,特别是不应受到气象行政处罚。尽管《气象法》规定的有关媒体在传播过程中获取的收益应当提取一部分支持气象事业的发展,但气象预报付费与其是否具有知识产权的属性属于两个独立的截然不同的法律关系。主张气象预报的私权利是气象部门利益膨胀的体现。 With the development of society and economy, the market value of weather forecasting has become more and more prominent. China Meteorological Administration, “Meteorological Forecast released and published broadcast management approach” provides that the weather forecast belongs to the meteorological scientific and technological achievements, production and distribution unit to its ownership, and by the relevant laws and regulations protection. However, at present, there is no stipulation in the law of our country about whether the weather forecast has the legal attribute of intellectual property. The ownership of the weather forecast has always been controversial. Based on the analysis of the nature of meteorological forecasts, meteorological forecasts are considered as a kind of public information and should be disseminated to the general public in a timely, extensive, in-depth and unpaid manner. Weather forecast does not belong to any department or individual including the meteorological department, privately owned, does not have intellectual property and other private property. In order to ensure the accuracy and safety of weather forecast, the state gives the meteorological department the right to monopolize the release of weather forecasts, but does not give it the monopoly of the right to disseminate meteorological forecasts. In the propagation of weather forecast, any objective and appropriate communication without infringement of the meteorological department without the permission or consent of the meteorological department should not be restricted by the meteorological department, and in particular should not be subject to meteorological administrative punishment. Although the meteorological law provides some support for meteorological development in the proceeds received by the media in the process of dissemination, the meteorological forecast payment and the attributes of intellectual property rights belong to two separate and distinct legal relations. The private rights advocating meteorological forecast are the embodiment of the interests of the meteorological department.
<正> 浮标是具有一定的形状、尺寸、颜色的漂浮物体,锚泊在指定的位置,可用作助航标志(航空与航海)、海洋环境监测、系留船舶、海洋工程、救助与打捞等设施,按不同的作用而配
【正】 列&#183;托尔斯泰在半个多世纪的创作活动中写下文艺作品二百多种,包括长、中、短篇小说,童话,故事,特写,剧本等各类体裁。但足以体现作家艺术成就的主要是长篇小说。
目的 探讨思政教育在《神经病学》教学中的应用效果.方法 2017年9月~2019年6月随机选取大连大学医学院2015、2016级临床医学专业两个年级的学生作为研究对象,其中2015级的学
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