The effect of random dopant fluctuation on threshold voltage and drain current variation in junction

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xrzs011
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We investigate the effect of dopant random fluctuation on threshold voltage and drain current variation in a two-gate nanoscale transistor. We used a quantum-corrected technology computer aided design simulation to run the simulation(10000 randomizations). With this simulation, we could study the effects of varying the dimensions(length and width), and thicknesses of oxide and dopant factors of a transistor on the threshold voltage and drain current in subthreshold region(off) and overthreshold(on). It was found that in the subthreshold region the variability of the drain current and threshold voltage is relatively fixed while in the overthreshold region the variability of the threshold voltage and drain current decreases remarkably, despite the slight reduction of gate voltage diffusion(compared with that of the subthreshold). These results have been interpreted by using previously reported models for threshold current variability, load displacement, and simple analytical calculations. Scaling analysis shows that the variability of the characteristics of this semiconductor increases as the effects of the short channel increases. Therefore, with a slight increase of length and a reduction of width, oxide thickness, and dopant factor, we could correct the effect of the short channel. We investigate the effect of dopant random fluctuation on threshold voltage and drain current variation in a two-gate nanoscale transistor. We used a quantum-corrected technology computer aided design simulation to run the simulation (10000 randomizations). With this simulation, we could study the effects of varying the dimensions (length and width), and thicknesses of oxide and dopant factors of a transistor on the threshold voltage and drain current in subthreshold region (off) and overthreshold (on). It was found that in the subthreshold region the variability of the drain current and threshold voltage is relatively fixed while in the overthreshold region the variability of the threshold voltage and drain current less remarkably, despite the slight reduction of gate voltage diffusion (compared with that of the subthreshold). These results have been interpreted by using previously reported models for threshold current variability, load displacement, and simple analytical calculations . Scaling analysis shows that variability of the characteristics of this semiconductor increase as the effects of the short channel increases. Therefore, with a slight increase of length and a reduction of width, oxide thickness, and dopant factor, we could correct the effect of the short channel.
日前,由上海市中外文化艺术交流协会彦麟少儿舞蹈艺术团主办的“2013年彦麟少儿舞蹈艺术团汇报演出”在上海大宁剧院(海上文化中心)举行,上海市原副市长刘振元、中国侨联原副主席何添发、上海市原副秘书长、协会理事长刘文庆以及舞蹈界的前辈、各界朋友参观此次演出,并给予了盛赞。  中外文化艺术交流协会彦麟少儿舞蹈艺术团成立于2009年,前身彦麟少儿舞蹈艺术机构成立于2003年。现任舞蹈艺术团团长刘彦麟毕业于
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