在两千多年漫长的历史发展过程中 ,中国哲学广泛地涉及到关于自然、社会、人生及其相互关系等诸多问题 ,其中人生理论则可以说居于核心地位 ,成为一种独具特色、影响深远的哲学类型。因此 ,深入而系统地研究中国古代的人生哲学 ,把握其基本问题和源流演变 ,具体分析各个不同时
During the long history of more than two thousand years, Chinese philosophy has touched upon many issues concerning nature, society, life and its interdependence. Among them, the theory of life can be said to be at the core and become a unique and influential issue Far-reaching philosophical types. Therefore, in-depth and systematic study of ancient Chinese philosophy of life, to grasp the basic problems and the evolution of the source, the specific analysis of different time