世界卫生组织(WHO)主办的第五届国际药品行政会议(简称V~eICDRA)于一九八九年十月十日至十三日在法国巴黎召开。参加会议的人员来自67个国家和欧洲共同体、欧洲议会、经贸海关总协调组织、欧洲药典委员会及WHO等机构,共154人。大会主席是东道国法国药政局长,执行主席有WHO的有关官员、匈牙利等国的到会者。 会议的主要议题是: 1.关于WHO药品合格证计划 2.关于治疗爱滋病的药物和疫苗 3.关于传统药物的管理 4.对共同感兴趣问题的讨论 现就会议中对上述问题的讨论和有关决议简要介绍如下:
The 5th International Conference of Pharmaceutical Executives (VECHDR) hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) was held in Paris, France from October 10 to October 13, 1989. The participants were 154 people from 67 countries and the European Community, the European Parliament, the General Coordinating Organization for Economic and Trade Customs, the European Pharmacopoeia Commission and WHO. The President of the General Assembly is the host country director of the French Pharmacopoeia, the executive chairman of the relevant officials of WHO, Hungary and other countries to attend the meeting. The main topics of the meeting are: 1. WHO’s Drug Certification Program 2. About drugs and vaccines for the treatment of AIDS 3. About the management of traditional medicines 4. Discussion on issues of common interest Discussion and discussion on the above issues in the meeting The resolution is briefly described as follows: