11月28日,一向低调的华晨十分“罕见”地邀请了少数几家媒体前往沈阳采访。华晨总裁苏强表示:华晨会全力做大汽车产业,今后会收缩在医药、高科技方面的投资,但在汽车方面,华展会以80%以上,甚至100%的精力去做! 华晨高瞻远瞩,1999年下半年注资河北田野汽车集团,持股60%,成立了河北中兴汽车制造有限公司。这一举动受到皮卡行业的众多关注,这是华晨继金客神话后又一悬念之笔!……
On November 28th, Brilliance, who had always been low-key, invited a handful of media to Shenyang to visit. Su Qiang, president of Brilliance Huachen, said: Brilliance will do its best to expand the automobile industry. In the future, it will shrink its investment in medicine and high technology. However, in the automotive industry, China Exhibitions will have more than 80% or even 100% of the energy! Brilliance is far-sighted, 1999 In the second half of the year, it injected funds into Hebei Tianye Automobile Group, holding 60% of shares, and established Hebei Zhongxing Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. This move has attracted much attention from the pickup industry. This is another suspense after Huachen’s myth....