The ways in which industrial companies reduce costs are not the same. This is because different production conditions and different management levels and the proportion of costs in the cost are not the same. Therefore, when a company is exploring ways to reduce product costs, it can only be determined according to the specific conditions of different companies. This article tries to discuss the ways in which sugarcane sugar industry can reduce product costs, and talk about personal opinions. In the sugar industry, the structure of the cost structure of the sugar products is generally: <1> Sugarcane raw materials and auxiliary materials account for the largest proportion, accounting for about 75 to 80%; <2> fuel and power costs account for about 10%; < 3>Management expenses (including workshop expenses, enterprise management fees, and stop-sorting expenses) account for 9 to 10%; <4> Relatively speaking, the proportion of labor consumption is small, generally 1.10 to 1.30%. According to the above characteristics, reduce the cost of the product