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采用三因素二次通用旋转组合设计,建立了栽培密度、施肥量、播种日期与合农63大豆产量之间的效应模型,经检验二次回归模型拟合较好。建立的回归方程为:Y=3763.36788-217.91412X12-211.01982X22-275.72009X32。结果表明:密度、肥料、播期3个因子对产量的增产作用依次为播期>密度>施肥量,对2因子交互效应的分析得出:密度、肥料、播期之间存在一定程度的正交互效应。模型经计算机模拟寻优,得到合农63获得3 282.2 kg.hm-2以上产量的栽培因子组合方案为栽培密度25.64~34.36株.m-2,施肥量231.4~243.6 kg.hm-2,播种日期为5月5日~5月10日。 The effect model of planting density, fertilizer amount, sowing date and the yield of Heinong 63 soybean was established by the three-factor quadratic universal rotary combination design. The quadratic regression model was fitted well by the test. The established regression equation is: Y = 3763.36788-217.91412X12-211.01982X22-275.72009X32. The results showed that the effects of three factors of density, fertilizer and sowing date on yield were followed by sowing date> planting density> fertilizer quantity. The analysis of interaction effect of two factors showed that there was a certain degree of positive correlation between density, fertilizer and sowing date Interaction effect. The model was optimized by computer simulation. The combination plan of cultivating factors for yield of 3 282.2 kg · hm-2 in Hehun 63 was 25.64 ~ 34.36 plant m-2 and 231.4 ~ 243.6 kg.hm-2 of planting density, sowing The date is May 5 to May 10.
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