USSR5 is a very pre-mature variety of the former Soviet Union. Based on the near-isogenic lines at heading stage and the QTL near-isogenic lines at heading stage, USSR5 analyzed the heading date of USSR5, indicating that USSR5 carries non-photosensitive gene e1 and has no light-sensing function Se-1e gene, the photo-suppressor gene i-Se-1 and the dominant premature gene Ef-1, making it very precocious. In addition, we investigated the heading date of BC1F1 and F2 population of USSR5 and N22. Using WindowsQTLCartographer1.13a software, the composite interval mapping method was used to analyze the heading date of two populations in the whole genome of Nanjing during summer sunshine. Two QTLs were detected in the USSR5 / N22 // USSR5BC1F1 population, locating on chromosomes 7 and 8, respectively, with LOD values of 6.11 and 2.91, respectively. The explained rates of total phenotypic variation were 27.38% And 11.15%, respectively. The alleles from USSR5 at two loci were prematurely heading. In the USSR5 / N22F2 population, five loci were detected, located on chromosomes 1, 2, 7, 9 and 10, respectively. The LOD values of the 5 loci ranged from 3.02 to 8.4, and the explained rates of total phenotypic variation were 4.07% and 15.41%, respectively. In addition to qHd-9, the remaining early-heading alleles at the four control heading stages were all derived from USSR5. Comparative analysis found that the effect of larger qHd-7 is Hd4 (E1), USSR5 at this site to carry non-photosensitive gene hd4 (e1). Although other QTLs for heading date and known heading date genes can not be mapped one by one in this study, USSR5 can be used as a good gene source in the breeding of premature rice varieties.