Industries That Gain Development During the Pandemic Written by Li Min / Translated

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  Have you wear masks and have you been scanned health code and tested temperature today? The pandemic lasting for more than 1 year has gradually turned these pandemic prevention measures become a routine in people’s daily work and daily life. But obviously, in addition to these visible changes, some invisible changes are taking place. It may be the world order, perhaps the trade pattern, or the industrial development.
  Under the pandemic, some industries were temporarily stranded, while others gained better development. When the former could go through difficulties and how the latter would develop are unclear, but it’s sure that the world will change after the pandemic.
  Distance creates opportunities
  We can hear lot of slogans that encourage people to stay at home at the peak of the pandemic. Facing the fierce situation, isolation and reducing the flow of people and gathering have become effective methods for pandemic prevention and control without vaccines. Therefore, staying at home and reducing contact are encouraged by the government, becoming people’s active or passive choice during the pandemic.
  It is because of the distance that people must keep that contactless economy and home economy can gain development, that “intelligent +” can achieve great achievement, and that some relevant industries can embark on the fast track. These industries not only contribute to maintaining a normal society during the pandemic, but also are expected to become a new growth point in the post-COVID-19 era.
  Among them, online industry is the most eye-catching. With the support of digital technology, online business such as E-commerce, telemedicine, online office, education, entertainment, etc. makes it possible for people to complete most of their work and meet most of their daily needs online. From face to face to screen to screen, the pace of digitization of traditional industries has been greatly accelerated.
  In addition to boosting online industries, the high-tech industry represented by artificial intelligence  also gains development. It has become a powerful assistant to anti-epidemic workers. From infrared imaging, non-contact rapid temperature measurement to auxiliary diagnosis, from scientific tracking and judgement of the COVID-19 to intelligent robot, artificial intelligence based on big data and cloud computing not only reduces the infection risk of anti-epidemic workers, but also improves the work efficiency and empowers the technology to carry out medical treatment. During the pandemic, smart home, intelligent express cabinet, smart city, intelligent factory, etc. have also been paid more attention to.   Of course, the pandemic makes ordinary people focus more on their health. Therefore, big health industry such as protective equipment, health insurance, healthy light food and fitness gains an opportunity for development. The high-end medical equipment manufacturing meeting the demand of the fight against the pandemic and the gene industry based on high-throughput sequencing technology also ushered in a new round of booming.
  In general, digitization, intelligence and health will be the major trend in the post-COVID-19 era. In fact, these trends already have emerged before the pandemic and the pandemic itself has also accelerated the trend.
  It is an opportunity for the world, and also for China-ASEAN cooperation
  The trend of digitization, intelligence and health has brought many investment opportunities. And for China, who has controlled the pandemic at an early time, and the emerging ASEAN market, there exist more opportunities for cooperation.
  In fact, as promising land for digital economy development, Southeast Asia boasts huge potential. According to the e-Conomy SEA 2020 Report released by Google, Temasey and Bain, the total scale of Internet users has reached 400 million since 2020, with the Internet penetration rate exceeding 70%. Because of the pandemic, the average online time of Internet users in Southeast Asia rose from 3.7 hours per day to a maximum of 4.7 hours per day. The report also noted that GMV (Gross Merchandise Value ) of Southeast Asia Internet economy is expected to exceed US$ 300 billion by 2025.
  On this basis, the online industry has been very active in Southeast Asia: Unicorns accelerated the consolidation of their status. Start-ups made efforts to seize opportunities. Chinese companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, Didi and JD have already entered the Southeast Asian online market in terms of capital, policy and human resources. With the further improvement of logistics, customs clearance, payment and after-sales services, cross-border E-commerce is expected to become a new growth point of economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN in the future.
  With the development of artificial intelligence, China and ASEAN are strengthening cooperation in building smart cities. In 2019, China and ASEAN issued the ASEAN-China Leaders’ Statement on Smart City Cooperation Initiative to support Chinese cities and ASEAN smart cities to establish partnership and promote cooperation in policy research, standard setting, technology innovation, market sharing, talent training and other fields. At present, China and Singapore have carried out cooperation on smart cities in China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, taking the first step of building smart cities.   In Brunei, China’s BGI Genomics has created a new model of cooperation in the health industry by establishing a novel coronavirus detection laboratory called Huo-Yan Laboratory. The laboratory took less than 14 days from planning to completion. On March 30, 2020, the laboratory was officially operated, serving as the first Huo-Yan Laboratory constructed by BGI Genomics in ASEAN countries. MGI has provided a high-throughput automatic sample preparation system MGISP-960 and a virus RNA extraction reagent, which can diagnose the COVID-19 cases in Brunei rapidly. “We are very grateful to BGI Genomics for supporting us in building the Huo-Yan Laboratory. It will increase our current detection capacity by about four times,” said Dato Paduka Dr Haji Mohd Isham bin Jaafar, Brunei’s Health Minister. In addition, cooperation on vaccine and related scientific research under the pandemic is also conducive to the sustainable development of health industry between China and ASEAN.
  Go fast and far
  Before the pandemic, the improvement of digital infrastructure, the iterative progress of artificial intelligence, and the continuous breakthrough of biotechnology have laid a foundation for the accelerated development of relevant industries and social services after the pandemic. These foundations will also provide a guarantee for the future development of the industry.
  The pandemic indeed reshapes people’s consumption habits and thinking mode to some extent and provides some emerging industries with marketing education opportunities, but it does not mean that after the pandemic, the industrial growth will always be at a high level.
  In the post-COVID-19 era, how much influence will these habits and thinking have on consumers and who can really gain benefits are unclear. But in general, strengthening the basic construction, focusing on the quality and safety of products, enhancing the influence and value of the brand, and promoting industrial standardization are the key to long-term development.
  18 years ago, SARS forced people to stay at home. Benefiting from the demand for home consumption, Alibaba welcomed the first increase of turnover on Taobao. On the contrary, Ctrip was affected by the sudden drop in travel demand, nearly bankrupt. But when the pandemic came to an end, it ushered in a 200% increase in ticket booking volume. Now, industries are more diversified, technology is more advanced, and of course, the situation is more complex. Maybe 10 years later when we look back, we will get to know it is just an industrial change at that time.
在“一带一路”建设的大背景下,越来越多中国企业和中国产品走向了东盟市场。从一本小说、一部影视剧、一杯奶茶,到重达百吨的挖掘机、价值千万的智能芯片等,这些中国产品在收获当地消费者喜爱的同时,也遭遇了一些知识产权问题带来的挑战。这些问题主要集中在出口产品商标侵权、产品专利和商标被抢注、产品知识壁垒等方面。  诚然,出海之路并非总是一帆风顺,知识产权相关问题无疑是其中极有可能遇到的风浪,与其被拍回岸边,
尽管《区域全面经济伙伴关系》(RCEP)可能只会给柬埔寨带来有限的经济利益,但长期来看,前景是乐观的。通过与非东盟伙伴缔结东盟自由贸易协定,柬埔寨将得以从广泛的关税削减和优惠贸易政策中获益。  尽管欧盟和美国不是RCEP的直接参与者,但它们分别是柬埔寨第一和第二大出口地,共占柬埔寨出口的70%,其中包括柬埔寨服装和鞋类76%的出口份额。相比之下,RCEP成员国只是柬埔寨产品的适度消费者。从出口上看
戴上口罩,挽起袖子,一身白衣衬衫显得精神、平和,2021年1月13日这天,印尼总统佐科要在电视和网络直播前,在成千上万印尼民众的注视下完成中国科兴公司生产的疫苗或其他中国新冠疫苗注射。总统医生团队成员对着直播镜头展示了疫苗包装盒,随后在佐科的左臂上注射了新冠疫苗。  这一历史时刻被烙印在两枚红蓝两色的邮票上,并且成为了印尼日前发行的新冠疫苗主题邮票,2月26日,佐科出席邮票首发式并在首日封上签上了
新冠肺炎疫情给全球经济带来重创,人员来往受限、贸易受阻、工厂停产等情况比比皆是。而与国际贸易体系紧密相连的东盟国家自然也难以幸免。无论是东盟本身,还是国际货币基金组织、亚洲开发银行等,都预测2020年东盟经济将总体下滑4%左右,为22年来首次出现负增长。除了惨淡的经济增速,东盟部分国家仍未得到有效控制的新冠肺炎疫情也令人担忧。  在此背景下,推进疫苗采购和研发进度、安排民众接种就显得尤为重要。  
疫情下的2020年,東南亚的数字经济快速发展。总部在新加坡、腾讯作为最大股东的冬海集团(SeaGroup)这一年在电商(Shopee)和游戏(Garena)领域都取得了不错的发展,股价一年翻了5倍。  而根据墨腾创投(以下简称墨腾)2020年底发布的《东南亚外卖平台报告》显示,在线外卖行业在疫情的催化下获得了将近200%的增长,总交易额(GMV)达到了119亿美元。领先的平台Grab在2021年年
Even though autumn has just come to most parts of China, the Changbai Mountain of Baishan City has already entered winter. For many years, people who fall a deep attachment to snow will flock here to
在全球新冠肺炎疫情持续蔓延的形势之下,与病毒赛跑的新冠疫苗已成为了全球防疫的最佳武器,为推动全球抗疫工作带来巨大动力。当越来越多的新冠疫苗出现在全球新冠疫苗的队列中,处在第一梯队的中国疫苗正跨海越洋,助力全球抗疫。此次“走出去”的中国疫苗在这场全球抗疫中备受认可,中国疫苗产业也乘势而上,凸显着巨大的发展潜力。  中国疫苗为全球抗疫带来“及时雨”  严峻的新冠疫情推进着全球疫苗以创纪录的速度研发问世
首次跻身中国货物吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量“双前十”,迈入全球货物吞吐量前20大港口,较2020年提前27天完成第100万个集装箱装卸任务,广西北部湾港进入2021年以来的发展呈现起步提速、开局争先的良好面貌。  在全球港口遭受疫情沖击的2020年,广西北部湾港货物吞吐量增长15.6%,集装箱吞吐量更是一举突破500万标箱,同比增长32.23%,增速稳居全国沿海主要港口第一位。  广西北部湾港吞吐量从逆
上到政府机构、企业,下到个人,泰国各界都在努力回收利用污染海洋环境的塑料垃圾。  回收塑料垃圾已经成为泰国的社会共识。统计数据显示,废弃物,尤其是塑料的数量正以惊人的速度增加。泰国是产生海洋塑料废物最多的5个国家之一,当前对这些废物的回收利用不容忽视。  根据泰国污染控制局的数据,泰国产生的废物约为2870万吨,但只有1260万吨(约44%)被回收。该局表示,城市产生的垃圾有64%都是食物垃圾,其
2020年无疑是世界史上具有颠覆性意义的一年。新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球,迫使各国进入封锁状态,影响了全球化进程。大量企业被迫停业休市,无数雇员被迫休假和失业,导致原先存在的社会不平等现象在新冠肺炎疫情的冲击下更加扩大。大家已经意识到,世界经济已经改头换面,大家也开始接受并适应“新常态”。  这次疫情提醒我们一个残酷的事实:天有不测风云。最糟糕的是,我们甚至不知道有什么事情超出我们认知,这些事情一旦发生