平果县位于广西西南部,坐落在右江河畔,为百色市东大门,总面积2485平方公里,主要居住着壮、汉、瑶、苗等民族,总人口50万人。区位优势突出。平果是我国大西南出海通道上的重镇,为滇、黔、桂三省区的交通要冲,东距首府南宁市86公里,西距百色市11 3公里,是南宁、百色1小时经济圈的结合点和桂东南开放与桂西开发的结合部,成为承接并发挥南宁中心城市向桂西山区经济辐射与吸引的“二传手”。自然资源丰富。平果属南亚热带季风气候区,雨量充沛,雨热同季,盛产水稻、木薯、甘蔗、葡
Pingguo County is located in the southwest of Guangxi Province and is located on the bank of Youjiang River. It is the east gate of Baise City with a total area of 2485 square kilometers. It mainly lives in ethnic groups such as Zhuang, Han, Yao and Miao with a total population of 500,000. Outstanding location advantages. Pingguo is the gateway to the sea in the southwest of China. It is the hub of traffic in the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi. It is 86 kilometers away from Nanning, the capital, and 113 kilometers from Baise City in the west. It is a combination of Nanning and Baise 1 hour economic circle Point and the opening of the southeast Guangxi and the development of the western part of Guangxi, a city to undertake and give play to Nanning city of Guangxi to the economic radiation and attraction “setter ”. Rich natural resources. Pingguonan subtropical monsoon climate zone, abundant rainfall, hot and rainy season, rich in rice, cassava, sugar cane, Portuguese