世人皆知画马大师徐悲鸿,今特介绍徐悲鸿大师再传弟子、画马名家张士南先生。张士南先生,1944年出身沪上大家世族,曾长期在哈尔滨工作,创办过一报两刊,任美编、副总编,同时又致力于书法绘画事业,又以画马而获悲鸿艺技于徐悲鸿弟子沈左尧先生。沈左尧先生于1 942年考入中央大学艺术系,师从徐悲鸿、傅抱石大师,极精于诗、书、画、印,是我
Xu Beihong, a famous master of painting, introduced the master of Xu Beihong to this disciple and introduced Mr. Zhang Shonan. Mr. Zhang Shonan, who was born in Shanghai in 1944, has long been working in Harbin. He founded one newspaper and two publications, Ren Mei and his associate editor. At the same time, he devoted himself to calligraphy and painting, Mr. Shen Zuoyao, a disciple of Xu Beihong. Mr. Shen Zuoyao was admitted to the Central University Department of Art in 1942. He studied under Master Xu Beihong and Fu Baoshi, and was very good at poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing.