目的了解门诊处方用药的基本情况,以提高处方质量,促进安全、合理用药。方法选取2015年1—6月10800张处方(不包括麻醉药品、第一类精神药品处方)。处方覆盖门诊各科室。根据药品说明书、“处方管理办法”“医院处方点评管理规范(试行)”“抗菌药物临床应用指导原则”进行点评。结果 10800张处方中,合理处方9984张,处方合理率为92.44%,不合理处方816张,不合理率为7.56%。不合理处方包括超常处方、不规范处方、不适宜处方3类。结论我院门诊处方仍存在一定问题,医院应加强处方监管工作,以保证患者合理用药。
Objective To understand the basic situation of outpatient prescription medication in order to improve the quality of prescriptions and promote safe and rational drug use. Methods From January to June 2015, 10800 prescriptions (excluding narcotic drugs and prescriptions for the first category of psychotropic drugs) were selected. Prescriptions cover all departments of the clinic. According to the drug specification, “prescription management ” “hospital prescription reviews management practices (Trial) ” “antibacterial clinical application guidelines ” comment. Results Among 10800 prescriptions, 9984 prescriptions were reasonably prescribed, the reasonable prescription rate was 92.44%, 816 unreasonable prescriptions and the unreasonable rate was 7.56%. Unreasonable prescriptions include over-the-counter prescriptions, non-standard prescriptions, and inappropriate prescriptions. Conclusion There are still some problems in outpatient prescriptions in our hospital. The hospital should strengthen the supervision of prescriptions to ensure the rational use of drugs in patients.