以2015年6月阿里研究院提供的湖南省101个主要县的电子商务发展指数为基础,运用Geo Da软件进行空间分析,分析湖南省在县域尺度上电子商务发展水平和差异,并探讨其影响因素。研究表明:湖南省县域电子商务发展水平整体偏低,主要以长株潭和湘南地区为主的分布状态。湖南省县域电子商务主要处于不平衡发展状态,电子商务发展的与经济发展水平、基础设施状况等有密切联系。
Based on the E-commerce Development Index of 101 major counties in Hunan Province provided by Ali Research Institute in June 2015, Geo Da software was used to conduct spatial analysis to analyze the level and differences of Hunan’s e-commerce development at the county level and to explore its impact factor. The research shows that the development level of county e-commerce in Hunan Province is generally low, mainly in the distribution of Chang-Zhu-Tan and Southern Hunan. Hunan’s county e-commerce is mainly in an unbalanced state of development. The development of e-commerce is closely linked to the level of economic development and infrastructure.