According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs, in the first eight months of this year, the export of new inflated rubber tires at Shandong Port (code of customs tariff 4011) dropped by 130% to 7.8%; the export delivery value was 32.08 billion yuan, down 17.5% %; The average export price was 239.4 yuan / piece, down 10.5%. Export prices fall into the main features. In August, for example, 17.68 million tires were exported in the month, a decrease of 10.9% over the previous month and a decrease of 4.6% from the previous month. The two consecutive months of decline were registered on a year-on-year basis. The export delivery value was 4.14 billion yuan, down 22.6%; the average export price was 233.9 Yuan / Article, down 13.1%. Monthly export price has been linked