近来学习《尔雅》,对于《释训》一章略有心得,于是尝试对全章条文作全面的归纳考察,并形成了几点看法。本文试分别阐述。 为了行文方便,本文对《释训》中的条文分别标号,并加方括号。如[1]“明明、斤斤,察也”,[2]“条条、秩秩,智也”。其中,[90]“如切如磋,道学也”,[91]“如琢如磨,自修也”,虽同释一篇诗文,因各自分别注释,故分为二条;[97]“履帝武敏。武,迹也;敏,拇也”,分释一
Recently studied “Eliya”, for the “Interpretation of Training” a little experience, so try to make a comprehensive induction of the articles, and formed a few observations. This article try to elaborate separately. In order to facilitate the writing, this article on the interpretation of the provisions of the article were marked with square brackets. Such as [1] “Clearly, jerk, Cha Ye,” [2] “Article, rank, wisdom also.” Among them, [90] “If study as such, Taoism also”, [91] “such as Zhuozhu mill, self-study also,” although the interpretation of a poem, due to their respective notes, it is divided into two; [97] Emperor Wu Min. Wu, trace also; Min, thumb also, "a release one