加强行政审判 促进社会稳定

来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kency2008
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加强行政审判促进社会稳定浙江省天台县人民法院行政诉讼法实施以来,我院紧紧围绕维护社会稳定这个大局通过行政审判活动,把办理行政案件与促进社会稳定有机地结合起来,为推进社会治安综合治理,保障经济发展作出了积极的努力,取得了较好的社会效果,受到了社会各界的... Strengthening administrative trial to promote social stability Since the implementation of the Administrative Procedure Law of Tiantai County People’s Court of Zhejiang Province, our hospital has closely integrated the handling of administrative cases with the promotion of social stability through administrative trial activities in the overall interests of maintaining social stability, Comprehensive management, economic protection has made a positive effort, and achieved good social effects, has been the community ...