从1993年向关贸总协定(WTO前身)正式递交了申请以来,俄罗斯已经走过了九年漫长的入世之路;2002年将是俄为加入世贸组织采取大动作的一年,也是最为关键的一年。加入WTO必定会对俄社会生活各方面及国际贸易格局产生巨大而深远的影响,也将为中国企业发展同俄经贸合作提供新的机遇。 机遇一:俄将降低关税水平 中国加入WTO的承诺之一就是
Since the official submission of the GATT (forerunner of the WTO) in 1993, Russia has gone through a long road of nine years; 2002 will be the year in which Russia will take major moves to accede to the WTO and will be the most crucial Year The accession to the WTO will certainly have a tremendous and far-reaching impact on all aspects of Russian social life and the pattern of international trade. It will also provide new opportunities for Chinese enterprises to develop their economic and trade cooperation with Russia. One Opportunity: Russia Will Reduce Tariffs One of China’s commitments to China’s accession to the WTO is