为明确临朐县和蒙阴县植烟土壤养分状况及其与成土母质的关系,调查了两县植烟土壤的母质类型,采集并测定两县共79个土样的养分含量。结果表明,临朐县耕作层土壤全氮1.14 g/kg、全磷0.68 g/kg、全钾25 g/kg、碱解氮75.49 mg/kg、有效磷33.43 mg/kg、速效钾186.1 mg/kg,少数样点缺钾;蒙阴县耕作层土壤全氮0.73 g/kg、全磷0.54 g/kg、全钾19.6 g/kg、碱解氮61.54 mg/kg、有效磷33.36 mg/kg、速效钾123.2 mg/kg,少数样点缺氮,半数样点缺钾。两县植烟土壤全氮、全磷、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量随土层的加深逐渐降低,全钾在各层次含量基本一致。页岩母质发育的土壤养分含量较丰富,石灰岩母质发育的土壤土层较厚且各层次养分含量丰富,花岗岩母质、砂岩母质和石灰性紫色砂页岩母质发育的土壤土层较浅且各层次养分含量较低。
In order to clarify the nutrient status of tobacco-planting soil and its relationship with soil parent material in Linli and Menyin counties, the parent material types of tobacco-planting soil in two counties were investigated. The nutrient contents of 79 soil samples in two counties were collected and measured. The results showed that soil total nitrogen 1.14 g / kg, total phosphorus 0.68 g / kg, total potassium 25 g / kg, available nitrogen 75.49 mg / kg, available phosphorus 33.43 mg / kg, available potassium 186.1 mg / kg , And a few samples were deficient in potassium. The contents of soil total nitrogen and total phosphorus were 0.73 g / kg, 0.54 g / kg, 19.6 g / kg, 61.54 mg / kg, 33.36 mg / kg, Potassium 123.2 mg / kg, a few samples of nitrogen deficiency, half of the sample point potassium deficiency. The content of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium in tobacco-growing soils in both counties decreased with the deepening of soil layers, and the contents of total potassium in all levels were basically the same. Shale parent material is rich in soil nutrients, thick soil layer of limestone parent material and rich in nutrients at all levels, soil layers of granite parent material, sandstone parent material and limestone purple sandstone parent material are shallow and all layers Low nutrient content.