欧战结束后,的里雅斯特(Trieste,期拉夫名为:Trst)马上就为世人所注目了。自然,这不过几个欧洲疆界问题中之一而已,但除此之外,它还是今日整个微妙的国际局势的焦点。首先,这个疆界问题,不仅是的里雅斯特一城应归那一国——南斯拉夫或义大利——的问题。它还牵涉到整个伊斯特里亚半岛(Istria Pen.)和的里雅斯特以北的一大块地区,以上各地区,近日有了一个总的名称:Julian March(斯拉夫名:Venezia Gulia),在这
After the war in Europe, Trieste (Trslaff called: Trst) immediately for the world attention. Of course, this is but one of several issues on European borders, but otherwise it is the focus of today’s delicate international situation. First of all, the issue of this frontier is not only a question of which city Trieste should belong to Yugoslavia or Italy. It also involves a large area north of the whole of the Istria Peninsula and Trieste. In each of these areas, there is a general name recently: Julian March (Slavic name: Venezia Gulia ),At this