欢迎订阅2017年《传感器世界》月刊邮发代号:82-694国内统一刊号:CN11-3736/TP国际连续出版物号:ISSN 1006-883X单价:$16.80/册全年:$201.60元欢迎投稿《传感器世界》是综合性科技期刊,我刊发表周期短,科普性强,是专业人员发表论文、评定职称的重要期刊,也是学位毕业论文发表的理想平台。*中国中文科技期刊数据库来源期刊
Welcome to subscribe to the “sensor world” 2017 monthly issue code: 82-694 domestic unified serial number: CN11-3736 / TP international serial number: ISSN 1006-883X unit price: $ 16.80 / year: $ 201.60 yuan welcome to submit “sensor World ”is a comprehensive science and technology periodical. My periodical publication period is short and science popularization is very important. It is an important periodical for professionals to publish papers and evaluate their titles. It is also an ideal platform for the publication of degree thesis. * Chinese Chinese Science and Technology Periodical Database source journals