
来源 :黑龙江教育(小学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanbing5
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“角的度量”属于图形与几何领域中测量的一部分,一直是小学数学教学的难点。两位老师尊重教材,遵循“认识量角器——揭示量角方法——进行量角练习”的顺序组织教学活动。两节课学生在经历量角方法的探索过程中,了解了量角器的构造特点,掌握了正确的量角方法,很好地实现了教学目标,课堂具有浓浓的数学味。学生在学习的过程中增长了知识,积累了数学活动经验,获得了能力的提升。 “Angle of measurement ” is part of the measurement in the field of graphics and geometry, has been the difficulty of primary school mathematics teaching. The two teachers respected the teaching materials and followed the order of “knowing the protractor - revealing the measuring angle - conducting the measuring exercises” to organize the teaching activities. During the process of exploring the cadence method, the students of two classes learned about the structural features of the protractor, mastered the correct cadence method, realized the teaching goal well, and the class possessed a strong mathematical taste. Students in the learning process increased knowledge, accumulated experience in math activities, access to the ability to upgrade.
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