把危重病人集中在医院内专门设立的区域内或病房里,已经成为现代医学建设中日益增长的趋势。ICU的诞生,激发了危重病医学(CCM)的崛起。这是医学发展史中的一个里程碑。 ——北京协和医院ICU首任主任、危重病学医学专业委员会主任委员陈德昌教授
Concentrating critically ill patients in a specially established area or ward in a hospital has become a growing trend in modern medical construction. The birth of ICU inspired the rise of Critical Care Medicine (CCM). This is a milestone in the history of medical development. - Prof. Chen Dechang, the first director of the ICU of the Peking Union Medical College Hospital and chairman of the committee of the medical specialty of the critical care medicine