IKEA UK's Strategic Analysis from the Perspectives of Positioning School and Culture School

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  IKEA was founded in Sweden in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad; Since then,it has grown to 433 stores in 50 countries (IKEA,2020). Total sales in the UK were [?]1.9 billion ([?]2.12 billion in FY19) (IKEA,2020). Due to the coronavirus crisis,the revenue declined for the first time in 2020.
  This paper is based on IKEA UK 2020 annual reports analyze the environmental conditions of IKEA in the UK by Porter's five forces model and assessing it from the perspective of resources competitive advantage and sustainability of advantage.
  There are different schools of strategic management. The main points of this paper come from Positioning School and Culture School to analyze the external environment and explore the internal advantages of the company's strategy.
  For Positioning School,Porter's view still dominates the strategic text of three primary methods: standardization,differentiation and concentration strategy and the five forces model (Moussetis,2011). Porter (1980) proposed an industry analysis and five-force model to determine the attractiveness of an industry and build a sustainable competitive position for the company among its competitors (Carter et al.,2008). This model captures the main ideas of Porter's theory of sustainable competitive advantage because it emphasizes the five forces that define industry competition rules. He makes managers pay more attention to the external environment instead of traditional SWOT analysis.
  The resource-based view (RBV) from Culture school provides the opposite explanation: enterprises should identify their unique resources and then formulate strategies to optimize and utilize these advantages (Clegg,2017). Kraaijenbrink(2010)believe that the resource-based view is not a business theory but should be developed as a sustainable competitive advantage (SCV) theory and suggested that a more subjective and creative value concept is needed.
  For strategic research,the single use of one theory is not conducive to considering all factors. Therefore,in the following,evaluating the environment and competitive advantage will correspond to the theory's shortcomings.
  3Environment analysis
  Companies that want to survive in a specific market need to constantly adapt to the conditions and requirements of the ever-changing dynamic environment. Enterprise environment analysis is critical in this field.
  Generally speaking,the higher threats IKEA faces come from existing competitors. IKEA ranked fifth in retailers' market share in the British interior decoration industry in 2020 (Statista a,2020),and IKEA ranked 9th in the e-commerce ranking in the field of electronic furniture and home appliances in 2019 (Statista b,2020). Faced with the threat of high competitors,IKEA can differentiate itself by providing low-cost,high-quality products to maintain a competitive advantage. The threat of new entrants and the supplier's IKEA capabilities do not pose a significant threat. This is mainly due to the high barriers to entry in the furniture industry and the long-term cooperation agreements between IKEA and suppliers.   However,Grundy (2006) criticized the five forces model for overemphasizing the macro analysis of the industry rather than analyzing more specific product segments at the micro-level. It does not consider that the government,regulations,taxation,and complementary organizations are not included in the environmental analysis.
  During the first lockdown period in April 2020,the search volume for storage products,office products and green plants increased significantly. For more diversified demand orientation,IKEA can segment the market and design products that meet the needs of diversified spaces.
  From the perspective of IKEA,the products are mainly in the traditional furniture and home furnishing industry,and there is not much investment in intelligent home furnishing. In the face of a more intelligent market,IKEA can consider cooperating with the mature,intelligent home industry to form its furniture linkage system and consolidate customer loyalty.
  For issues such as politics and taxation,Porter's five forces model is not enough to solve IKEA's problems in the UK. Britain's Brexit policy had some impact on IKEA in the UK in 2017,the introduction of the European Union in the United Kingdom led to price increases,but it did not hinder sales. However,in the long run,the uncertainty of the pound to euro exchange rate may affect IKEA. The ageing population in the UK and the popularity of smart homes may have a corresponding impact on IKEA.
  4Competitive Advantage
  Porter's positioning school adopts an outside-in strategy,while a resource-based view adopts an inside-out strategy. Internal resources and unique capabilities should drive the company's strategy,regardless of the macroscopic phenomenon. RBV recommends that the strategy's focus is on the company's core competitiveness and the use of unique resources (Carter et al.,2008).
  RBV focuses on value creation and value capture (Clegg,2017); this seems to tell managers to develop and obtain VRIN resources and develop a suitable organization. However,there are no clear metrics and measures for how professional managers (Connor,2002). Therefore,the resource perspective is just a way to show sustained competitive advantage,and it does not intend to provide management solutions (Kraaijenbrink et al.,2010).
  Although there is no competitive advantage that can last forever,it is helpful for organizations to seek sustainable competitive advantage (Kraaijenbrink et al.,2010). The view of the duplication of resources by other organizations will lead to doubts about sustainable competition. However,the dynamic capability expansion of cultural schools can maintain such a competitive advantage.   Cost-effectiveness is a significant competitive advantage of IKEA. Due to economies of scale and technology integrated with various business processes,IKEA can offer lower prices as a global furniture retailer. IKEA is not the route of luxury home furnishing; its pricing strategy is also what distinguishes the brand from its competitors.
  Foss (1996) concluded that the RBV is insufficient as a theory of the firm. The resource-based view is not the theory of the enterprise,and it cannot explain the existence of the enterprise. The sustainability of this advantage requires managers to continue to pay attention to the policy situation,especially in the face of the Brexit situation and the instability of the pound exchange rate,to maintain a price advantage.
  In terms of product R&D and investment and the design concept of future home furnishings,IKEA has been able to notice changes in the needs of different customer segments for home furnishing products after the lockdown of the epidemic is committed to making progress in product design and innovation.
  In general,IKEA has a unique value from the perspective of resources. However,it lacks a dynamic perspective for the VRIN model,so it is necessary to adjust resources following changes in the environment.
  Strategy is one of the most influential fields in management (Carter,2008). For the strategic school,the paper analyses the ideological theories and strategic models of several vital schools. In terms of the environment,IKEA UK needs to pay special attention to the impact of the social and political environment,especially the adjustment of tariffs and policies after Brexit,to ensure its cost-effective advantage. More importantly,for the brand itself,the perennial reputation has become an essential competitive advantage. However,in the face of future environmental development,continuous improvement and development are required to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage. Moreover,in terms of R&D,IKEA also needs to make adaptive adjustments in product development and product changes that adapt to technological progress.
  However,this essay response to the criticisms of the strategic school involved is not comprehensive. The viewpoints of the learning school in the management school and the formulation of emergency strategies are insufficient.
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◆摘 要:在专业课程教学中融入思政元素,推动专业课程与思政课程同向同行,构筑育人大格局,是新时代高职院校面临的重要任务之一。文章通过总结武汉铁路职业技术学院“课程思政案例库”中的案例,探索如何将思政元素有效融入专业课教学,整理出八个融入方式。根据课程特点、内容,合理组合应用这些方法,使课程思政建设在多学科融合中碰撞出火花,让学生‘亲其师,信其道’,达到同频共振的立德树人效果。  ◆关键词:专业课程
◆摘 要:在小学时期的语文教学过程中“阅读是非常重要的教学内容。很多的伟人和文学家都在告诫我们需要加强阅读,多多的读书。从当前的语文教学改革工作来看,阅读将成为学生学习语文最重要的任务。检验学生的阅读能力也将成为检验考察学习语文成绩和效果的重要指示。所以,为了提升学生的阅读能力,老师必须增加学生的阅读量,注重对学生阅读能力的培育。本文就将从小学语文“增量阅读”教学策略的行动研究为主要内容进行探究和
◆摘 要:传统的高职高专图书馆功能主要有收藏图书,提供借阅服务,为学生提供学习场所。但随着读者的多元化发展以及信息技术手段的不断加入,当下高职高专图书馆的建设模式已经向智慧图书馆模式转型,当然在智慧图书馆建设发展服务模式转型过程中,仍然会遇到一些困境。本文主要介绍高职高专智慧图书馆建设发展服务模式的若干措施。  ◆关键词:高职高专;智慧图书馆建设;发展服务模式  高职高专院校智慧图书馆的建设是高职
◆摘 要:实施素质教育,关键是培养学生的人格,促进学生全面、和谐、全面的发展,目的是提高全民族的素质,面向全体学生,面向和发展学生的综合素质;在素质教育改革的背景下,发展创新型小学教育的重要性;建立素质型班级教育结构;本文从四个方面论述了素质教育背景下的小学语文教育,如创设以素质为导向的语文教学环境,以期对广大小学语文教师起到激励作用  ◆关键词:小学素质教育;能力提升;小学语文  一、素质教育背
◆摘 要:立德树人是当下教育的重要教学方向之一。高中政治德育工作是教育阶段的重点,是所有学科教育的基础,传统的高中政治德育工作已经满足不了当前时代高中学生的思想学习需求和行为规范需求,高中政治教师需要转变教学思路,创新教学模式,探索新的政治德育渗透路径与策略,帮助高中学生树立正确的人生价值观和思想道德观。  ◆关键词:德育;政治;教学  事实上,德育教育在当前的高中政治教学课堂中已经出现了很多的问
◆摘 要:在新课改背景下,初中音乐课程应该关注课堂的教学过程,突出学生的主动性、积极性、参与性,使得音乐课堂氛围灵动活泼。通过一系列的教学理论研究、实践总结和经验反思等,构建以“学为中心”理念下初中音乐主题实践活动,有利于通过多种方式培养学生的音乐感知能力,提高音乐课堂教学效率。  ◆关键词:学为中心;初中音乐;主题实践  在初中的课程教学中,音乐学科所处地位略微尴尬。然而音乐的核心素养是培养学生
◆摘 要:培养学生的核心艺术素养,使学生具备一定的音乐审美鉴赏能力、音乐感受能力,可以陶冶学生的情操,发展学生的艺术思维、形象思维,从而促进学生的全面发展。因此,在小学音乐教学中,教师要着重培养学生的核心艺术素养。本文将就培养学生核心艺术素养的策略展开探讨。  ◆关键词:小学音乐教学;学生;核心艺术素养;培养策略;探讨  在生产、生活中,每个人都必须具备必要的知识积累,必须具有一些关键能力,必须具
◆摘 要:语言运用对思维品质的培养非常重要。思维品质是学习运用语言的基础,而学习和运用语言也能促进学生思维的构建。英语的学习能促进学生思维的发展,老师要积极利用课堂设计培养学生英语思维能力。本文将浅谈初中英语教师如何通过课堂培养学生的思维品质。  ◆关键词:初中英语;英语教学;思维品质  初中阶段是学生学习能力和学习习惯养成的最佳阶段,也是学生思维品质培养的关键时期。要通过英语教学培养学生思维品质
◆摘 要:在小学语文阅读教学中,教师应该不遗余力地引导学生形成良好的阅读习惯,进而提高学生的语文综合素养。阅读就像是一场心灵旅途,为学生带来沿途美丽的风景,丰富学生的语文视野,同时也能够增强学生的语文思维发展,为学生的语文发展奠定丰富的文学素养。因此本文以“小学语文低年段阅读习惯的培养策略探析”为题,以趣味多样,激发阅读兴趣;勤学好问,提高阅读理解;科学指导,增强阅读能力为主要论据,希望能够提高小
◆摘 要:在小学语文教学中如何激发学生自主学习,首先,教师要更新观念,创设创新氛围;鼓励发现,培养创新意识;扩展时空,培养创新能力;在语文教学中,教师要营造宽松和谐的氛围,激发学生积极主动地探索的欲望,敢问、多思、主动创新,使学生的潜能得到充分发挥,实现学生的全面、和谐、主动的发展。  ◆关键词:激发;自主;学习  学生自主学习是以培养学生的独立自主精神和创新能力为基本价值取向的教育。它不同于传统