纤维结肠镜检查一般是较安全的,但也可能发生并发症。为减少并发症的发生,检查时应注意以下几点: 术前准备: 1.纤维结肠镜检查的绝对禁忌症很少,多数属于相对禁忌症,故应仔细了解病情。严格筛选适应症。如妊娠期妇女可导致早产和流产;急性腹膜炎有可疑肠穿孔时,可导致炎症扩散,要注意权衡;小肠炎症性疾病的急性活动期,急性憩室炎等因易致穿孔和出血,一般禁作,但确有必要时必须特别慎
Colonoscopy is generally safer, but complications may also occur. To reduce the incidence of complications, check should pay attention to the following points: Preoperative preparation: 1. Fiberoptic colonoscopy absolute contraindications rarely, most are relatively contraindications, it should be carefully understand the disease. Strict screening indications. Such as gestational women can lead to premature birth and abortion; acute peritonitis with suspicious intestinal perforation, can lead to the proliferation of inflammation, pay attention to trade-offs; acute inflammatory bowel disease activity, acute diverticulitis and other easily lead to perforation and bleeding, generally forbidden However, special care must be taken when it is absolutely necessary