随着国家对水利的重视,水利行业的科技人才在数量和质量都得到了很大的发展和提高,但在使用上却有着亟待改进的地方,有些单位甚至存在严重浪费人才的现象: 一、有人不用。有些水管单位放着许多人才不用,把他们闲置起来,美其名曰“养兵千日,用兵一时”;二、挪作他用。有些单位把有较高专业水平的人才搞机关日常的行政事务,整天守电话、填表格、看报纸、喝茶水,丢掉了所学的专业,学不致用;三、名用实不用。有些单位的科技人员名义上是在搞本专业的研究应
As the state attaches great importance to water conservancy, the number and quality of scientific and technological talents in the water conservancy industry have been greatly improved. However, there are still some problems to be improved in the use of these technologies. Some units even have serious waste of talents: Some people do not. Some plumbing units have many talents who do not use them and put them in idle state. Some units put people with higher professional standards in the routine administration of the organs, keep the phone all day, fill in the forms, read the newspapers, drink tea, and throw away the majors they have learned. Some units of scientific and technological personnel nominally engage in professional research should be