It is of great significance to understand the vibration characteristics of sitting human body for evaluating and improving the ride comfort of all kinds of vehicles.For the moment, there are few published literatures about human body vibration characteristics in sitting posture.Using wideband random white noise signals and self-made seat sensors, The volunteers carried out the vertical vibration tests of sitting posture under various stimuli levels and obtained the apparent mass data in the range of 1 ~ 20 Hz.The parallel two-degree-of-freedom biokinetic model including frame quality was used to describe the vertical vibration characteristics of sitting human body , The error function was defined according to the real and imaginary frequency information of apparent quality, and all the model parameters of each volunteer were obtained by Gauss-Newton method.Through the normalization and averaging of the measured data, The model parameters and modal parameters of vertical body vibration characteristics of Chinese people in the age group of the standard age are given.The model shows that the apparent mass is in good agreement with the experimental data.The effects of height and weight on sitting human body parameters are discussed by statistical analysis.