Directed by director Poon An-tsu, T’ing-cheng-tsing-kung is a story about the legendary rivers and lakes of the Republic of China: In order to rob a batch of gold that the Japanese gave to warlord Wang Dasai, several lakes and rivers came from Shanghai to the desert in the northwest Border town, which led to a series of funny fighting stories. The unexpected outcome of the film is even more intentional Unexpected feeling, saw here suddenly discovered, “double counting” in the original story is a revenge, the robbery of gold is nothing but an illusion, then suddenly realized in the title “Calculators ” really worthy of the name. The “plan” is the grimace and stone Buddha’s revenge on Lin Xiaodong, but also the revenge of the Chinese devils who are invading the country by Chinese folk heroes. Video is full of scams, adventure, Indiana, spy war, anti-Japanese and so on