胡娜出走美国数年,运动员们提起来无不嗤之以鼻。她没有学会美国人在网球方面的精湛球技(正充当不入流的球混子),却学会了被美国青年人开始抛弃的“性解放”,甚至鹦鹉学舌地说一些“政治避难”之类的话。继胡娜之后,又有一位引人注目的女性出走联邦德国,她就是遇罗锦。与胡娜不同的是,此人是已到“不惑”之年的中年人,胡娜当时正值豆蔻年华;此人是从文的(尽管文采很差),胡娜是“从武”的;此人经历较为坎坷,胡娜毕竟涉世未深。而共同之处便是都充当了极不光彩的角色。很多运动员和体育爱好者都在问:遇罗锦究竟是怎么样的一个人?她是怎么走上这一步的?她出走后又干了些什么? 遇罗锦出走前的一幕 1986年1月29日晨,北京车站的月台上人迹稀少。
Huna out of the United States for several years, the athletes were all scoffed. She did not learn the skills of the Americans in tennis (serving as an invincible ball), learned the “sexual liberation” started by American youth, and even said “political asylum” by parrots. After Hu Na, another striking woman flew away from the Federal Republic of Germany, she was encountered Luo Jin. Unlike Huna, this person is a middle-aged man who has reached the age of “No Confusion.” Huna was at a time when he was in the middle of his memory; ; This person experienced a more bumpy, after all, Huna inexperienced. And what they have in common is that they all play a very impudent role. Many athletes and sports enthusiasts are asking: What kind of a person is Luo Jin? How did she take this step? What did she do after she left her? On the morning of the 29th, there were few people on the platform of the Beijing Railway Station.