积极进行制度创新 大胆塑造市场竞争主体

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今年深化经济体制改革要以国有企业为重点,而国有企业改革是一项艰巨、复杂的任务,必须勇于探索,大胆实践,采取有力措施,争取经过几年努力,取得明显成效。 要搞好国有企业改革,除了需要国家推进社会各项配套改革外,还应继续改善企业的外部环境。从国有企业本身来讲,必须着力加强内部管理,树立市场观念,增强竞争意识,珍视企业信誉,创造良好的企业形象。 上海三维药业公司在推进企业改革方面,起步早,思路清晰,制定了分三步走的整体构想,步子踏实,1994年被国务院列为建立现代企业制度全国100家试点企业之一。该公司在取得第一步、第二步改革成效的基础上,提出了今年开始走第三步的具体设想。本刊特把它介绍给大家,旨在引导大家对国有企业深化改革的思考与探索。欢迎广大医药企业和有识之士踊跃来稿,介绍经验,发表真知灼见,开展交流和探讨。 The deepening of economic restructuring this year should focus on state-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprise reform is an arduous and complicated task. It must be boldly explored, boldly practiced, and adopt effective measures to strive for a few years of effort and achieve remarkable results. To do a good job in the reform of state-owned enterprises, in addition to the need for the state to promote various complementary social reforms, it is also necessary to continue to improve the external environment of enterprises. From the perspective of the state-owned enterprises themselves, we must focus on strengthening internal management, establishing market concepts, increasing competition awareness, cherishing the credibility of enterprises, and creating a good corporate image. Shanghai Three-Dimensional Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has started early and has clear thinking in advancing enterprise reforms. It has formulated a three-step overall vision with practical steps. In 1994, the State Council was listed as one of the 100 pilot companies establishing a modern enterprise system in China. Based on the results of the first step and the second step of reform, the company put forward a concrete plan for starting the third step this year. This publication introduces it to everyone, aiming to guide everyone in thinking and exploring the deepening reform of state-owned enterprises. The pharmaceutical companies and people of insight are welcome to present their contributions, introduce their experiences, express their insights, and conduct exchanges and discussions.
A similarity analysis for Marangoni convection induced flow over a vapor-liquid interface due to an imposed temperature gradient was carried out. The analysis a
本报讯由北京安托与国家信息中心联合并发的电子政府解决方案 Risenet 办公自动化产品,日前,在经过公安部科技局办公自动化二期工程两个月的试运行后,全面实现了系统设计目
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