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随着我国经济社会的快速发展、科学技术的突飞猛进,经济社会发展中对会计专业人才的需求量在近几年来迅猛增长,对此,越来越多的学生在报考专业上选择会计专业,现如今,会计专业已经成为高等院校开设的热门、核心专业,同时,高等院校为满足经济社会发展对会计人才质量的要求也在不断更新教学理念、创新教学方法,但是在具体的教学细节上还存在诸多问题,如果这些存在的问题得不到科学、合理的解决,将严重影响我国高校会计专业教学水平的进一 With the rapid economic and social development in our country and the rapid advancement of science and technology, the demand for accounting professionals in economic and social development has increased rapidly in recent years. In response, more and more students choose accounting major At present, the accounting profession has become a hot and core specialty opened by colleges and universities. At the same time, colleges and universities are constantly updating teaching philosophy and innovating teaching methods in order to meet the requirements of accounting quality for economic and social development. However, in the specific teaching details There are still many problems. If these existing problems are not solved scientifically and reasonably, it will seriously affect the progress of the accounting major in higher education in our country.
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Mercury is a persistent neurotoxin and is the only metal in the list of bioaccumulative chemicals of concern. Studies show that levels of the toxic forms of mer